English Language Acquisition
English as a Second Language I
(AESL 066)
Variable credit 1-7 hours (Fall and Spring)
Basic instruction in the listening, speaking, reading, and writing of English for persons whose native language is not English. The course content is designed to cover beginning structure, pronunciation, vocabulary building, and limited reading and writing skills. The primary objective of the course is to develop a meaning or basic comprehension of the language with a major proportion of class time devoted to listening and speaking exercises. Course enrollment is limited to persons with very little or no English speaking skills as determined by oral assessment. Class repeatable four times.
English as a Second Language II
(AESL 067)
Variable credit 1-7 hours (Fall and Spring)
The course is designed as a continuation of ESL I. Basic intermediate instruction in the listening, speaking, reading, and writing of English for persons whose na- tive language is not English. The course content covers structure, pronunciation, vocabulary building, reading, and writing skills for individuals who have had some exposure and/or instruction in English. The primary objective of the course is to provide repetitive practice in the use of the English language which is meaningful and communicative. Placement in the course is determined by successful completion of ESL I or by standardized placement testing. Course is repeatable four times.
English as a Second Language III
(AESL 068)
The course is designed as a continuation of ESL II.
Basic instruction for the advanced intermediate student in listening, speaking, reading and writing of English for individuals whose native language is not English. The course context is designed to review basic structure and pronunciation skills, continue vocabulary building, and devote a major proportion of time to reading and writing skills. Placement in the course is determined by successful completion of ESL II or by standardized placement testing.
Course is repeatable four times.
English as a Second Language IV
(AESL 069)
Variable credit 1-7 hours (Fall and Spring) The course is designed as a continuation of ESL III. Secondary instruction for the advanced student in the listening, speaking, reading, and writing of English for persons whose native language is not English. Course content includes review and advanced refinement and expansion of basic ESL instructional materials. Major emphasis is placed on reading and writing in contextual materials which will prepare the student to generally handle English proficiently in his/her everyday life and/or more specifically to succeed in post secondary education or training. Placement is determined by successful completion of ESL III or by standardized placement testing. Course
is repeatable four times.