2024-2025 Catalog

University Partnerships and Agreements

Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI)
Danville Area Community College is a participant in the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI), a statewide agreement that allows transfer of the completed Illinois General Education Core Curriculum between participating institutions. Completion of the transferable General Education Core Curriculum at any participating college or university in Illinois assures transferring students that lower-division general education requirements for an associate or bachelor’s degree have been satisfied. This agreement is in effect for students entering an associate or baccalaureate degree-granting institution as a first-time freshman in summer 1998 (and thereafter). More information about the Illinois Articulation Initiative is available online at www.itransfer.org.

University Transfer Agreements
Danville Area Community College has agreements in place with many four-year colleges and universities to facilitate the transfer of credits for students who intend to complete a bachelor’s degree. Associate in Science (AS), Associate Arts (AA), Associate in Engineering Science (AES) Associate in Fine Arts in Art (AFA) and Associate in Fine Arts in Art Education (AFAE) degree students who choose a course of study and transfer institution with the approval of an academic counselor, using established curriculum guidelines, may expect to complete a Bachelor’s degree in a timely fashion. If there is a major/school anywhere in the United States that does not have a prescribed transfer plan, one can be developed for the student working in concert with a DACC advisor and the transfer school of choice.

A partial list of participating area universities includes:

  • Aspen University
  • Bradley University
  • Chamberlain College of Nursing
  • Eastern Illinois University
  • Franklin University
  • Grantham University
  • Illinois State University
  • Indiana State University
  • Indiana Wesleyan University
  • Iowa Wesleyan University
  • McKendree University
  • Northern Illinois University
  • Olivet Nazarene University
  • Purdue University
  • Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
  • Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville
  • St. Joseph's College
  • University of Illinois at Chicago
  • University of Illinois at Springfield
  • University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign
  • Western Illinois University

This is not a complete listing of four-year colleges and universities to which a student may transfer from DACC.

Reverse Transfer
Reverse transfer means that a former community college student who completed at least 15 hours of coursework at the community college and is now attending a public university may apply for an associate degree using requisite courses earned at the university. Through reverse transfer, these individuals have the potential to "transfer back" university courses that count toward an associate degree and earn that associate degree even while they are in progress to completing the baccalaureate degree.

3+1 Agreements
3+1 Agreements allow a student pursuing a Bachelor’s degree to take the first three years of classes on DACC’S campus – at DACC’S tuition rate – and then complete the fourth year of the degree online either at home or in DACC's Computer Lab. DACC has agreements with three universities: Franklin University, Eastern Illinois University, and Lakeview College of Nursing.

Franklin University Bachelor of Science (BS) Degrees:

Majors requiring 124 credits:
• Accounting
• Applied Management
• Business Administration
• Business Forensics
• Communications
• Computer Science
• Energy Management
• Entrepreneurship
• Financial Management
• Financial Planning
• Forensic Accounting
• Human Resource Management
• Information Systems
• Information Technology
• Logistics Management
• Management and Leadership
• Marketing
• Public Relations
• Web Development

Majors requiring 120 credits:
• Criminal Justice Administration
• Cybersecurity
• Emergency Management & Homeland Security
• Exercise Science
• Health Education and Promotion
• Health Information Management
• Healthcare Management
• Interactive Media Design
• Nursing (BSN)
• Psychology
• Public Administration
• Public Safety Management and Leadership
• Social Sciences
• Sport Management

Majors requiring 126 credits:
• Operations and Supply Chain Management

Eastern Illinois University -- BSN
Attend DACC for all of your required General Education courses and the DACC Nursing Pro- gram courses. Submit a provisional application to enroll in the RN to BSN program at EIU while in the DACC Nursing Program, taking classes from both schools at the same time. Graduate from DACC and pass the National Licensure exam (NCLEX). Finish one year of online coursework needed to earn a Bachelor’s in Nursing from EIU.

Lakeview College of Nursing -- BSN
See Advisement for more information.

2+2 Agreements
2 + 2 agreements, sometimes called capstones, allow a student pursuing a career degree, Associate in Applied Science (AAS) or transfer degree (AA/AS/AES/AFA/AFAE), to transfer his/her credits to a 4-year institution in pursuit of a Bachelor’s degree. Traditionally, career programs are not designed to transfer. Listed below are the institutions that have active 2 + 2 agreements in place.
• Aspen University
• Chamberlain College of Nursing
• Grantham University
• Indiana Wesleyan University
• Lakeview College of Nursing
• Olivet Nazarene University
• McKendree University
• St. Joseph's College
• Southern Illinois University
• University of Illinois - Springfield
• University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Dual Admission Programs

Eastern Illinois University
Dual Admission to Eastern Illinois University is available to students planning to complete an Associate in Science and Associate Arts (AS/AA) at Danville Area Community College and a baccalaureate degree at EIU. The Dual Admission Program (DAP) facilitates the transfer of students from DACC to EIU. Students who fulfill the requirements of the DAP Agreement are guaranteed acceptance to the University with full junior status.

Eastern Illinois University
Transfer Relations 600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-2120; (217) 581-6452 fax
E-mail: transfer@eiu.edu www.eiu.edu

DACC Pathway to Illinois
The DACC Pathway to Illinois program is an opportunity for qualifying Danville Area Community College students to gain guaranteed admission to specific correlating majors at the University of Illinois and, while preparing to transfer, to integrate their time as full-time DACC students with resources at Illinois.

• Gain guaranteed admission to the University of Illinois*
• Enjoy personalized academic counseling

Contact the DACC Counseling and Advising office at 217-443-8750 to discuss this opportunity. Check out the Pathway to Illinois website at http://www.admissions. illinois.edu/apply/requirements_DACC.html.

Olivet Nazarene University
The Pursue ONU initiative gives students the opportunity to be simultaneously admitted to Danville Area Community College and Olivet Nazarene University (ONU). The goal is to create a seamless and successful transition to transfer students intending to complete their baccalaureate degree at ONU. Pursue ONU students receive academic advisement from both DACC and ONU to assist in the completion of the associate and bachelor degrees. A Pursue ONU student will have the opportunity to participate in activities at both ONU and the participating community college.

Contact the DACC Counseling and Advising Office at 217-443-8750 to discuss this opportunity.