Disability Services
Danville Area Community College policy is to provide an accessible campus, both in terms of the physical plant and programs. The College will comply with all requirements set forth in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Illinois Accessibility Code of 1988, and all regulations implementing these Acts.
Disability Services provides assistance to all qualified students with disabilities, whether they are physical, psychiatric, or educational. Please note, under the ADA and Section 504, a person is an individual with a disability if he or she has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one of more major life activities. In order for academic accommodations to be received, students are required to register through the Testing & Academic Services Department and attend an interview to document the disability and identify their needs. All services are based on individual needs.
Examples of available services include adaptive equipment, audio textbooks, interpreters, notetakers, readers, special testing accommodations, and TTY locations.
Overall, an inclusive campus climate is promoted by fostering an understanding of the effects of disabilities and by working to eliminate the physical, technical, and attitudinal barriers that limit the range of opportunities for students with disabilities. Four offices on the DACC campus work together to address accessibility issues:
1. Testing & Academic Services Center (CH-103) provides front-line information and services to students, or potential students, who would like to inquire about the Disability Services available at the college. In addition to arranging academic accommodations for the College’s placement test, appointments may be set-up to meet with the Director of Testing & Academic Services through the Testing Center (443-8708).
2. The Director of Testing & Academic Services: The Director (Cannon Hall, Room 103), provides information and services to students, reviews eligibility documentation, approves accommodations, coordinates academic auxiliary aids, serves as the liaison between students and faculty members, and advises students as needed. The Director may be contacted by phone at 217-443-8809 or by email at lrudolph@dacc.edu.
3. The Executive Director of Maintenance & Facilities (OF) reviews and coordinates physical plant modifications to ensure the accessibility of campus for all students, employees, and visitors with disabilities who wish to access the College's programs and services. The Director may be contacted by phone at 443-8832 or via email at dadams@dacc.edu.
4. The Vice President of Human Resources (Title IX Coordinator/Affirmative Action Officer/Section 504/ADA Compliance Officer) is responsible for addressing concerns of students, staff, and the public regarding compliance and accessibility. Please contact 217-443-8756 for more information.