2024-2025 Catalog


Student Trustee
Danville Area Community College has one advisory-voting member who is a student enrolled in the College under the jurisdiction of the DACC Board of Trustees. The election for the Student Trustee is held in April by the student body. Qualifications are published annually by the Secretary to the Board of Trustees. The Student Trustee can be reached by calling 443-8850.

College Extra-Curricular Activities
There are a variety of campus clubs and organizations on campus. Each club or organization sponsors various activities throughout the academic year related to the interests of the members and the stated mission of the group. Students may contact the Coordinator of Recruitment & Student Engagement, Alexis Simmons, at a.simmons@dacc.edu.

ACTS Ministry Club
The purpose of ACTS Campus Ministry is twofold: 1) to reinforce the faith of Christian youth attending DACC; and
2) to provide for the students, faculty and staff a basis from which to learn about biblical teaching and the experience of the Apostolic faith. ACTS will provide on-campus Bible study meetings and social activities for DACC students, faculty and staff. For more information, contact Stephen & Brittany Scott at sscott@dacc.edu or 217-443-8800 or sscott@dacc. edu.

Association of Future Accountants
The DACC Accounting Club seeks to provide a social setting for DACC students that are interested in accounting and its career paths in order to increase the understanding and appreciation of the accounting profession. Advisor Brian Fink can be reached at bfink@dacc.edu.

Ag Club
The Ag Club is for students in the Ag AAS degree and the Transfer Agriculture program. It was designed to imple- ment a student organization which would function to enhance student leadership skills and assist in the comprehension and promotion of the agriculture community. The goals of the Ag Club are to promote leadership, scholarship, citizenship and agriculture. The Ag Club operates the DACC Land Lab, sponsors an Annual Farm Toy Show and arranges for the annual Ag Day each Spring which brings approximately 3,000 people to the campus. For additional information contact Brandy Marron at 217-443-8713 or bmarron@dacc.edu.

The athletic program of a community college is a meaningful part of the total offerings of the institution. Danville Area Community is a member of the National Junior College Athletic Association. DACC’s men’s athletic teams include basketball, baseball, cross country, and golf. DACC’s women’s athletic teams include basketball, cross country, golf and softball. A large percentage of DACC athletics continue on to four year colleges on athletic scholarships. Student participation is governed by eligibility rules set forth by the above-named organizations and rules of DACC.
Competition includes community colleges and freshmen-sophomore teams of four-year colleges and universities. Each team competes in the regional at the conclusion of their season. There are athletic scholarships available in all sports. Contact Athletic Director Tim Bunton at 217-443-8551 or tbunton@dacc.edu. Athletic information can also be found at http://www.dacc.edu/athletics.

Cheerleading Squad
The Cheerleading Squad supports the men’s basketball team at home games and some away games. The Squad is open to both male and female students. Students interested in becoming a member of the Squad should contact the DACC Athletic Director at 217-443-8551 or Mary Miller, Room 124A.

College Singers
This organization affords students the opportunity to participate in a chorale ensemble for mixed voices and at the same time earn up to four hours of humanities credit through enrollment in MUSI 152, College Singers. The Chorale Ensemble performs at a limited number of campus and community events. Some participating students will also be eligible for partial tuition waivers. For more information contact Eric Simonson (Music Professor) by e-mailing simonson@ dacc.edu.

Criminal Justice Club
The purpose of the Criminal Justice Club is to help students pursue additional knowledge in the criminal justice field with resources and information presented outside the classroom. To join the club, students must be enrolled in Criminal Justice, Psychology, Sociology, or a related field and they must be able to attend all meetings in a semester with the exception of two (2) absences. For more information, contact Rickey Williams (Criminal Justice Professor) at rwilliams1@dacc.edu or 217-443-8730.

DACC Poet Society
The purpose of this group is to unite the poets of DACC and help each other grow not only as poets but as a part of something special. Members of this group must have previously written poetry, and have the ability to accept constructive criticism. Contact Marla Jarmer at 217-443-8820, mjarmer@dacc.edu for information.

DACC’S Starving Artists
DACC's Starving Artists is a club for those interested in the visual arts regardless of major and talent base. It is a think tank for those with individual projects; a collective group for art oriented community and campus activities; a resource for materials, fellowship, enlightenment, and awareness; and an avenue to show one's work through fundrais- ers, galleries and art competitions. For information please contact faculty advisor and art instructor Ronnie Johnson at 217-443-8869 or rjohnson@dacc.edu.

Danville Symphony Orchestra
The orchestra is open to students who qualify by audition and carries one hour of humanities credit per semester for students who enroll in MUSI 151, Orchestra. Up to four hours of credit may be earned. For more information contact Eric Simonson (Music Instructor) by e-mailing simonson@dacc.edu.

eGamers Club
The eGamers’ Club is a family of gamers, uniting for the purpose of sharing their love for gaming. The organiza- tion will provide much needed stress-relief during the semester and promote camaraderie. Members must be current students, past alumni, or DACC faculty/staff. For more information, please contact Guido Esteves at g.esteves@dacc.edu.

Pep Band
DACC offers the Pep Band opportunity to students who wish to participate in the performing arts. Students may also earn humanities credit for participation in the DACC Pep Band. Some participating students will also be eligible for partial tuition waivers. For more information contact Guido Esteves by emailing gesteves@dacc.edu.

Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society (PTK)
Established in 1918, Phi Theta Kappa is the largest honor society in American higher education with more than 1.3 million members and 1100 chapters located in the United States and around the world. In 1929, the American Association of Community Colleges recognized Phi Theta Kappa as the official honor society for two-year colleges. The society’s programs center on four hallmarks: scholarship, leadership, fellowship, and service. The complement of services, in- novative programs, and membership benefits offered by Phi Theta Kappa today are unequaled among honor societies Both part-time and full-time students, and international students may be eligible for membership. Membership requires completion of at least 12 hours of college credit coursework and a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 3.50. DACC’s Pi Omega Chapter is very active and has won several awards at both the regional and international levels. For more information or to join, please contact Ronnie Johnson at ptk@dacc.edu at 217-443-8869, or visit Phi Theta Kappa
International's web site at www.ptk.org.

Political Affairs Club
The activities of the PAC are to 1) provide a forum for students to discuss political issues, 2) server the College Com- munity by sponsoring events, disseminating information, and collaborating with other College groups in joint projects, 3) expand the understanding of politics through observation and/or involvement in community activities and in collaborating with community based groups, and 4) increase student, College, and community interest in political affairs and issues. Dr. Chuck Hantz (Political Science Instructor) is the advisor and he may be contacted by emailing chantz@dacc.edu.

Rad Tech Club
The Rad Tech Club was established in 2005 for students enrolled in the Radiologic Technology Associates Degree program at Danville Area Community College. This campus organization is primarily interested in facilitating participation in radiologic technology conferences to expand our student’s knowledge of the field. The Club also has a community service component and assists in organizing a student social function at program completion. Tammy Howard, Director of Radiology Technology Program, is the advisor and she may be contacted by emailing thoward@dacc.edu.

Robotics Club
Interested in learning about and working with robotics? Join the DACC Robotics Club. Club members will design and build simple robots with assistance from DACC personnel. The club also plans to enter BattleBot competitions. The club is open to full- and part-time students. Interested students should contact Doug Hunter at dhunter@dacc.edu.

Student Veterans of America (SVA), “Jaguar Chapter”
The Jaguar Chapter at Danville Area Community College is a member of Student Veterans of America, a coalition of student veterans’ groups on campuses across the United States. The SVA works to develop new student groups, coordinate between the groups, and advocate for student veterans on the national, state, and local level. The Jaguar Chapter builds a peer-to-peer network among DACC student veterans, acts as a liaison between veterans and the staff/ faculty, and holds functions to promote veterans, the school, and the community. To join, contact staff advisor Nick Catlett

at ncatlett@dacc.edu.

Sustainability Club
The Sustainability Club was established to raise awareness about current environmental issues and to implement sustainable practices. Activities include group meetings, participating in local events, and working on the DACC farm.

Technology Club
The Tech Club provides free computer repair and purchase consultation to DACC students and staff. The club will do PC tune up, address malware problems, repair broken screens and fix virus troubles. They meet on Fridays in TC from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. For more information, please contact Jeff Wise at 217-443-8882 or jwise@dacc.edu.

Preparing African American males for skilled employment opportunities through higher education. The program prepares the student for academic success by introducing them to available services through student orientation, online learning orientation, and interest assessments. The program focuses on learning about services through interaction with Financial Aid, Counseling, Business Office, Division Deans, Career Services, Student Support Services, Vermilion County Works, and the DACC Foundation. During the semester, students are paid $25 per week to attend mandatory check-in meetings and tutoring sessions throughout the school year for progress monitoring. Additional support services such as mentoring from successful second-year students, attending field trips, and touring local business and industry facilities. DACC partners with local organizations to provide additional resources, as needed. Contact JR Scruggs at 217-443-8876 or j.scruggs@dacc.edu for more information.

TRIO Leadership Ambassadors
Students chosen as TRIO Leadership Ambassadors will participate in professional development and leadership activities that lead to becoming representatives for DACC’s TRIO Student Support Services Program and its mission. To be a TRIO Leadership Ambassador, an applicant must be at least a continuing TRIO participant with at least one more semester before graduating. Students must maintain, a minimum grade point average of 2.0. The Ambassadors will be expected to participate in activities hosted by the TRIO Student Support Services Program. Interested TRIO participants should contact the TRIO office at 217-443-8898 or stop by CH-113.

Vermilion Festival Chorus
This is a community chorale group open to DACC students. The group meets weekly for practices and performs scheduled concerts for the community of major choral works. Students may earn one hour of humanities credit per semester by enrolling in MUSI 150. Up to four credit hours may be earned. For more information contact Eric Simonson (Music Instructor) by e-mailing simonson@dacc.edu.
Waiting For Rain (Publication)
Waiting for Rain is an annual joint publication of the writing and art programs in the Liberal Arts division at Danville Area Community College. The journal, which is staffed by volunteer students, strives to present the best prose, poetry, essays, photography and artwork from DACC's students, faculty and staff. The journal is produced over the summer and is published in the fall semester of each academic year. For information on how to submit written pieces to Waiting for Rain please contact co-faculty advisor Marla Jarmer (217-443-8820, mjarmer@dacc.edu). For information on how to submit photography and artwork to the journal, please contact co-faculty advisor Ronnie Johnson (217-443-8869, rjohnson@dacc.edu).

Wind Energy Student Group
The Wind Energy Student Group (WESG) provides the DACC Wind Energy program with the organizational support and structure that will distinguish it among other programs of its kind. This group maximizes the potential of DACC Wind Energy and its Members and provides DACC Wind Energy students the best possible resources and preparation to al- low them to be leaders in the wind energy industry.

Co-Curricular Activities
In order to promote student growth and development, co-curricular programs are offered along with academic and technical programs. Co-curricular activities allow students to “put into action” what they are learning in the classroom. Research shows that when students participate in co-curricular activities, they increase self-efficacy; make connections with other students, faculty, and staff; develop an enhanced understanding of others; become more oriented to campus; make important gains in critical thinking; and refine their communication skills.

DACC defines co-curricular as learning activities, programs and campus organizations that reinforce the College’s mis- sion and complement established undergraduate curriculum. Currently, the College identifies the following activities as co-curricular:

List of Co-Curricular Activities Currently Available at DACC:
• TRIO Student Success Center (Tutoring, Leadership Activities, Seminars)
• MASS Learning Center (Tutoring for Math, Sciences, & Allied Health Professions)
• Writing Center (Tutoring for Writing)
• Business & Technology Tutoring Center (Tutoring for Blackboard and courses that fall under the Business & Technology division)
• Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) International Honor Society
• Success in College (required course for all first-time, full-time students; recommended for all)
• New Student Orientation
• Blackboard Orientation (the College’s online learning system), and
• Toolbox (Mentoring, engagement, and leadership program for African American males)

For more information about co-curricular activities, contact the Coordinator of Recruitment and Student Engagement, Alexis Simmons at a.simmons@dacc.edu or visit with the specific activity/departments highlighted above.