DACC Student Email Account
Students whose applications are approved and entered in the DACC Computer System by the Registrar's Office will be assigned a DACC email account 24-hours after their application is entered in the DACC Computer System.
Students must retrieve their ID and Password at https://rapss.dacc.edu/react/ to obtain their Email Account information. Students are responsible for checking their DACC email account on a regular basis for important information about bill statements, registration changes, semester dates and deadlines, course information, scholarship information, and many other opportunities. Students may forward their DACC email account to a more frequently used email account. Computer & Network Services (contact information listed below) can assist students with this option.
If the password is forgotten or needs to be reset, visit our website at https://rapss.dacc.edu/react/. Students may also contact the DACC IT Help Desk at helpdesk@dacc.edu, 217-443-6600, Technology Center, Room 137 for additional assistance.