2024-2025 Student Handbook

Academic Standards of Progress (For All College Level Courses and Programs)

Please Note:  The Office of Financial Aid has additional Standards of Academic Progress (SAP) requirements.  Please see the financial aid SAP guidelines (following this section) or visit the financial aid website at https://www.dacc.edu/finaid.

Grade System

The final semester grades are determined by the instructors, according to the grades the student earns in all phases of class work including class discussions, tests, daily work, laboratory work, reports, term papers, and the semester examinations.


Grade reports are issued by the Records Office at the end of each semester. Mid-semester grades are posted by individual instructors if they choose.


A student may file notice and repeat any unsuccessfully completed course, and the higher grade earned will be used to compute the cumulative grade point average.


The letter system of grading is employed as follows:



Grade Description

Assigned Grade Points



4 grade points per credit hour


Above Average

3 grade points per credit hour



2 grade points per credit hour


Below Average

1 grade points per credit hour



0 grade points per credit hour


The following grades do not affect grade point average:



Grade Description

How the Grade is Used



Official withdrawal of a student within the Withdrawal Policy guidelines.



An “I” grade is a temporary. All incomplete work should be performed within 30 calendar days after the end of the term so that they grade may be recorded. A student’s financial aid status may be affected while the grade is an I.



This grade is used for successfully completed labs and orientations.



Students auditing a course will receive an “AU” grade.



The Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grades are used by some non-degree courses (ex: Developmental Education, Corporate & Community Education).




Minimum Satisfactory Grade Level

A student will be considered in Good Academic Standing by attaining a 2.000 cumulative grade point average (GPA). If a student’s cumulative GPA falls below a 2.00, the student will be placed on Academic Probation. 

Academic Probation

A student placed on Academic Probation must complete a Probation Contract which will identify measures to be applied to improve the student’s GPA (i.e., change of program, work with a Tutor, reduce the number of hours work, etc.) and will be limited to a maximum of twelve (12) credit hours of enrollment for the next term. Additionally, both of the following criteria apply to the term:

  1. The student will remain on Probation until a 2.00 (or higher) cumulative GPA is achieved.
  2. The student must earn a 2.000 GPA or higher for the term.

In the event that the student does not achieve both of the above criteria, the student will be placed on Academic Suspension for one term.  See V and VI below for suspension information.


In the event that the student achieves 2.00 or higher GPA for the term, but the cumulative GPA has not risen to 2.00 or higher, the student will be placed on Continued Probation.

Continued Probation

A student placed on Continued Probation may be advised to reduce the number of credits enrolled and must continue to follow their Probation Contract. Additionally, both of the following criteria apply to the term:

  1. The student must earn a 2.00 GPA or higher for the term.
  2. The student will remain on Continued Probation until a 2.00 (or higher) cumulative GPA is achieved.

In the event that the student does not achieve both of the above criteria, the student will be placed on Academic Suspension for one term.  See V and VI below for suspension information.


Academic Suspension

If a student does not meet the academic standards required during the probation period, the student is placed on Academic Suspension.  Students have two options after they are placed on Academic Suspension: 1) appeal the suspension (see VII below) or 2) complete a mandatory “stop out” term for the following Fall or Spring term.

Readmission (After suspension or with a Probation Status from the Past)

Before a suspended student will be readmitted, a Probation Contract must be completed with their Academic Advisor.  The contract will identify the measures to be applied to improve the student’s GPA (e.g. change of program, enrollment in developmental or preparatory classes, visiting the tutoring centers, or other academic support services, etc.). Enrollment for the next semester will be limited to a maximum of twelve (12) credit hours. The student must earn a 2.00 GPA or higher for the term. Additional supports such as Career Services, TRIO Student Success Center, Personal Counseling, and/or Tutoring Centers are also commonly required or recommended.  The student will remain on probation until a cumulative GPA of 2.000 or higher is achieved for good standing. In the event that the student does not achieve either of the above mentioned criteria, the student will be placed on academic suspension for one term.

How to Appeal Academic Suspension

Students may appeal an academic suspension through the Provost/Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs by completing a Request to Appeal Academic Suspension form. The form is sent to each student when they are notified of their suspension status.  Appeals will be reviewed with respect to past/current academic standing and/or demonstrated ability to achieve academic success. If approved, additional supports such as Career Services, TRIO Student Success Center, Personal Counseling, and/or Tutoring Centers are commonly required or recommended to assist the student and ensure student success. Please note, submission of an appeal does not guarantee or suggest automatic reinstatement. Students will be notified via the contact information noted on the appeal form.  The Provost’s office is located on the second floor of Vermilion Hall.