2024-2025 Student Handbook

Complaints/Grievances and Resolution Procedures

As members of the Danville Area Community College community, students have rights as well as responsibilities.  Student rights and responsibilities are guaranteed by state and federal laws and by college policies.  They serve to define student life and, concurrently, support a teaching and learning environment based on respect for all members of the campus community as well as regard for the property and facilities of the College.

Sometimes a student of the DACC community experiences a situation or a conflict in which the student thinks her/her rights have not been fully recognized or have been compromised in some manner.  The student’s conflict may be with another student, a faculty or staff member, or with a college practice or procedure.  When this occurs, it is said that the student has a complaint or a grievance.  Again, student rights and responsibilities as defined through college procedures afford students a process by which to resolve a grievance. It is also important to note that the College forbids retaliation against anyone reporting or involved in a reported complaint/grievance. If any student feels that he/she has been retaliated against, he/she is to notify the College’s general complaint officer, the Provost/Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs, Dr. Carl Bridges at 217-443-8771 or the College’s Affirmative Action Officer, Jill Cranmore, Vice President of Human Services at 217-443-8756.

The College recognizes that a student who knows and fully understands his/her rights and responsibilities and abides by the expectations which are inherent within these rights and responsibilities, is a student who is prepared to fully take advantage of the learning experiences and other opportunities afforded him/her at Danville Area Community College.  This information has been prepared in support of this concept.  The following pages include an overview of student rights, student responsibilities, and the process whereby a student grievance may be resolved.


When a student of the DACC community experiences a situation or a conflict in which the student thinks his/her rights have not been fully recognized or have been compromised in some manner, the student may resolve the conflict or his/her perceived grievance by following the College’s process for the resolution of grievances.  Grievances may be resolved on an informal basis or on a formal basis.  Every attempt will be made to resolve grievances at the point of origin on an informal basis.  However, students have the right to end the informal process at any time and begin the formal process which is also noted below.

Informal Resolution Process

Please Note:  Students have the right to end the informal process at any time and begin the formal process.

  1. Within 10 business days of the situation or conflict, the student must first contact and talk with the faculty or staff members with whom the student has the conflict or grievance and make every attempt in cooperation with the given faculty or staff member to resolve the issue.
  2.  If the issue is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student at the point of origin within 5 business days, the student may contact and talk with the dean, director, or coordinator of the division, department or office in which the conflict occurred.
  3. If the issue is not resolved at the second level within 5 business days, the student should meet with the appropriate administrator who serves as the lead administrator over the area in which the issue originated. The lead administrator will investigate the matter and make a final determination in resolving the student issue.

At any level of the informal resolution process and when appropriate, a written communication should be prepared and delivered to the student by the college employee involved in the resolution of the issue which details the resolution or decision arrived at or in the case of disciplinary issues, the sanctions which have been imposed.

Due to the nature or the seriousness of some potential student complaints, such as a complaint of harassment, sexual misconduct, or knowledge of a serious conduct violation, the student is encouraged to bypass step one and two and immediately contact a lead administrator to report an issue.  The Resolution Process Chart reflects issues that would be of a level of seriousness to warrant this action.

Formal Resolution Process

Any full or part-time student may submit a "formal" complaint in writing to the Provost/Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs, Dr. Carl Bridges at 217-443-8771, Vermilion Hall, Room 202) or by submitting an electronic report through the DACC website at DACC Complaint/Grievance form.  The Provost will acknowledge receipt of the complaint, forward the complaint to the appropriate department Supervisor, conduct an investigation, and respond to the student in a reasonable amount of time. Students may contact the Provost at any point in time for guidance or to file a report directly.

If a student complaint/grievance is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student through the informal process within 5 business days of meeting with the lead administrator, the student has the right to submit a formal complaint.

A student may appeal a grievance before a Standards Hearing Committee (SHC) only if the student can substantiate that a sincere attempt has been made to resolve the issue through the informal and/or formal resolution processes including having followed all processes as described within a college policy or procedure which pertains to the issue.

Formal Hearing Appeal Procedure

  1. Within 7 days from the expiration of days in the informal resolution process, the student must complete a Formal Hearing Request form and deliver it to the appropriate lead administrator as designated in the Resolution Process Chart. Formal Hearing Request forms are available in the offices of lead administrator.
  2. The President will be informed and he/she or their designee will identify individuals to serve on the Standards Hearing Committee.
  3. Within 10 business days of receipt of the Formal Hearing Request form, the lead administrator for the area of origin of the grievance will communicate with the student and the Standards Hearing Committee in establishing a timely and mutually agreeable date, time, and place for the hearing.
  4. The student will inform the lead administrator at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled hearing of any witnesses he/she plans to include in the hearing and, if he/she will have legal counsel present.
  5. Failure to attend the hearing on the part of the student or of any other involved individual, will not result in a cancellation of the hearing proceedings.
  6. The members of the Standards Hearing Committee are responsible for the following:
    1. To hear and evaluate all of the information provided during the hearing process, and
    2. To determine a fair and equitable resolution either through consensus or by a majority vote to the student grievance to be forwarded to the President (or his/her designee) as a recommendation for his/her consideration and final decision. The President’s (or designee’s) recommendation may uphold the original decision, reverse the original decision, or be a compromise.
  7. Within 5 business days of the Formal Hearing, the President or his/her designee, will communicate, in writing to all involved parties, the decision with respect to resolving the student’s grievance. The resolution/decision of the President will be final.

Membership Representation on the Standards Hearing Committee & Others Involved in Formal Hearing Procedures

The membership of the Standards Hearing Committee will be comprised of 1) three full-time students including the Student Trustee when available, 2) three college officials consisting of any combination of faculty, student services administrative staff, or other administrative staff depending upon the issue, and 3) one College Cabinet member.  The College Cabinet representative will be the lead administrator for the area where the issue originated when appropriate and will serve as the Hearing Officer.  The individuals involved in the grievance and any witnesses with information pertinent to the proceedings of the hearing will be included in the hearing process.  The student has the right to legal counsel at his/her own expense and to obtain a written recording of the hearing proceedings, also at his/her own expense.  The College may also choose to have legal counsel present when a grievance is heard before a Standards Hearing Board.

College Resolution Process Chart

While the chart detailed below directs students to the closest point of service and command for each issue, students may contact the Provost/Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs, Vermilion Hall, Room 202, 217-443-8771 at any point in time for guidance or to file a report directly.  Additional parties may be included in the process based on College procedures noted below. 


  Grievance Issue

Informal Resolution

Sequence of Contacts or of Process

Formal Resolution


Any Complaint/Grievance

*See specific issues below for channels generally followed by Vice President of Student Services.


Provost/Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs (for general guidance and assistance)

To be determined based on the type of grievance and parties involved. See specific instances below.

Academic Dishonesty

  1. Instructor; Academic Dean; Director or Lead Instructor

Provost/Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs

Academic Probation or Suspension

  1. Director of Advisement & Counseling,

Provost/Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs

Advisement Issues

  1. Advisor, Faculty Advisor, or Academic Dean
  2. Director of Advisement & Counseling

Provost/Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs

Conduct (Within Classroom)

  1. Instructor
  2. Academic Dean, Director or Lead Instructor

Provost/Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs

Conduct (Outside Classroom)

  1. Campus Security or Student Conduct Officer

Provost/Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs

Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities

  1. Director of Testing & Academic Services or Director of Maintenance & Facilities

Vice President of Human Resources/Title IX & Section 504-ADA Coordinator

Educational Guarantee

  1. Academic Deans, Director or Lead Instructor

Provost/Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs

Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

  1. Director of Admissions/Registrar

Provost/Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs

Financial Aid Issues

  1. Financial Aid Staff
  2. Director of Financial Aid

Provost/Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs

Financial Aid Suspension

  1. Director of Financial Aid,
  2. Financial Aid Suspension Appeals Committee

Financial Aid Appeals Panel has final Decision-Making Authority

Grade Appeals

  1. Instructor
  2. Academic Dean
  3. Provost/Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs
  4. Grade Appeals Panel

Grade Appeals panel has final Decision-Making Authority

Graduation Requirements

  1. Advisor, Faculty Advisor, or Academic Dean
  2. Director of Admissions/Registrar

Provost/Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs

Harassment of Any Nature

  1. Any DACC Academic Dean or Administrator

Vice President of Human Resources/Affirmative Action Officer


  1. Director of Admissions/Registrar

Provost/Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs

Transfer Credit Guarantee

  1. Advisor
  2. Director of Advisement & Counseling

Provost/Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs

Title IX Issues

(Includes prohibiting discrimination on basis of gender including sexual harassment)

  1. Any College Administrator or Responsible Employee.

Title IX Coordinator

(=VP of Human Resources)

Tuition & Fees or other Balances Due Issues

  1. Cashier
  2. Controller

Vice President of Finance/Chief Financial Officer

Formal complaints may also be filed electronically on the DACC website at DACC Electronic Complaint/Grievance Form.  Questions about the entire process can be directed to the Provost/Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs at 217-443-8771.