2024-2025 Student Handbook

Registered Sex Offenders Must Register with Campus Security

Effective January 1, 2012, registered sex offenders must complete an Illinois Sex Offender Registration Act – Institutions of Higher Education Employment / Student Information Form (ISP 5-695) with the agency of jurisdiction in which they reside (= Police or Sheriff's Department that serves their home residence), the agency of jurisdiction in which they are attending an Institution of Higher Education (= Danville Police Department), AND the public safety or security director of the Institution of Higher Education (= DACC Campus Security). Every semester, registered sex offenders must, within 3 days of enrolling, notify in person the DACC Campus Security Office (in Lincoln Hall, Room 100), the agency of jurisdiction in which they reside, and the agency of jurisdiction in which they are attending an Institution of Higher Education.  Changes in your enrollment status (drop/withdrawal) must also be reported within 3 days of the change.  Sex offenders who fail to properly register their status as a student or employee at an institution of higher education are in violation of the Illinois Sex Offender Registration Act and face arrest for a Class 3 Felony. They also face disciplinary actions up to and including suspension or termination of student / employee status. Sex offenders with questions about this registration requirement should call DACC Campus Security at 217-443-8888.

Please note, the act amends the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) to clarify that nothing in the act may be construed to prohibit an educational institution from disclosing information provided to the institution concerning registered sex offenders; and requires the Secretary of Education to take appropriate steps to notify educational institutions that disclosure of this information is permitted.