Board Member Reporting
Members of the College’s Board of Trustees and other elected official should promptly report claims of sex-based misconduct against a Board member. Board members and elected officials should report claims of sex-based misconduct against a Board member to the Board Chair or College President. If the report is made to the College President, the President shall promptly notify the Board Chair, or if the Board Chair is the subject of the complaint, the Board Vice Chair. When a complaint of sex-based misconduct is made against a member of the Board of Trustees, the Board Chair shall consult with legal counsel for the College to arrange for an independent review of the allegations. If the allegations concern the Board Chair, or the Board Chair is a witness or otherwise conflicted, the Board Vice Chair shall so consult with legal counsel. If the allegations concern both the Board Chair and the Board Vice Chair, and/or they are witnesses or otherwise conflicted, the Board Secretary shall so consult with legal counsel. The investigator shall prepare a written report and submit it to the Board.