2024-2025 Student Handbook

Deadlines to Submit Appeals

The deadline to submit an appeal is no later than two weeks PRIOR to the semester the student wishes to attend and be reviewed for eligibility for student aid.  It is to the student’s advantage to submit an Appeal immediately after being notified of their SAP status. Appeal deadlines are published in the Student News, DACC’s Financial Aid WEB page (under “Important Dates”) and various bulletin boards on campus.  The SAP status notices highlights the two week prior to the term deadline.


Appeal decisions are sent via the U.S. Postal system. If a student is not clear of the meaning of the appeal response they may visit the Financial Aid office for clarification of the Committee's decision. In order to protect a student’s privacy these matters will not be discussed over the phone.  The student is not privy to who serves on the Appeals Committee and will not have an opportunity to meet members in person or via email or phone communication. The Committee consists of faculty, staff and administrative personnel.


These requirements are mandated by federal regulations - satisfactory academic progress is the law. The SAP policy applies to all students including first time financial aid recipients. Past academic history (if any) at DACC is evaluated before financial aid is awarded.