Maximum Hours Attempted (Cumulative Quantitative Measure)
Time of Completion: Title IV and/or Illinois State Student Aid eligibility will be suspended if the student exceeds the 150% completion of the published program time frame for all cumulative credit hours attempted (not earned). Remedial coursework credit hours attempted will be counted as part of the program of study timeframe. Students who require remedial coursework are limited to a maximum of thirty (30) credit hours of attempted remedial coursework. The student is advised to work with their academic advisor to “stay on pace” to complete their educational goal.
Student’s on SAP Suspension due to exceeding the maximum time frame (not remaining on pace in cumulative attempted hours) are no longer eligible for student aid funding. They may submit a personal letter (an Appeal) explaining and documenting why they did not stay on pace and complete their program of study within the published timeframe. The Appeal letter must be submitted with an academic plan of program completion including total hours and semesters still required to complete the program. This plan is called a Degree Audit and must be prepared by the student’s DACC academic advisor/counselor. The Appeals Committee will take into consideration that remedial coursework may have extended the timeframe towards a completion date.