Interim Suspension
In certain circumstances, the Student Conduct Officer, or a designee, may impose an interim suspension prior to holding a Student Conduct Hearing.
- Interim suspensions may be imposed only: 1) to ensure the safety and well-being of members of the DACC community or preservation of DACC property; or 2) if the student poses a definite and ongoing threat of disruption of, interference with, the normal operation of DACC.
- During the interim suspension, a student shall be denied access to the campus (including classes) and/or all other DACC activities or privileges for which the student might otherwise be eligible, as the Student Conduct Officer, or designee, may determine to be appropriate.
- In the event of an interim suspension, the student will be provided with written notice of the interim suspension, which will include the length of the interim suspension and the reason for the interim suspension. The student will also be afforded an opportunity to meet with the Student Conduct Officer or designee to discuss and review the reason for the interim suspension. This discussion may occur in conjunction with, or separate from, the student’s Disciplinary Meeting (see paragraph 4 of Student code of conduct Procedures).
- The interim suspension does not replace the regular process, which shall proceed on the normal schedule, up to and through a Student Conduct Hearing, if required.
- During the required interim suspension, accommodations will be made for the student to complete assignments and tests.