AGRI 101 | Introduction to Animal Science | 4 |
AGRI 102 | Introductory Agricultural Economics | 3 |
AGRI 103 | Ag Mechanization | 3 |
AGRI 121 | Introductory Crop (plant) Science | 3 |
AGRI 180 | Introductory Soil Science | 4 |
ARTS 103 | Research Methods & Professional Practice | 1 |
ARTS 117 | Drawing I | 3 |
ARTS 118 | Drawing II | 3 |
ARTS 119 | Basic Design 2-D | 3 |
ARTS 120 | Basic Design 3-D I | 3 |
ARTS 121 | Basic Design 3-D II | 3 |
ARTS 122 | Life Drawing | 3 |
ARTS 125 | Ceramics I | 3 |
ARTS 126 | Ceramics II | 3 |
ARTS 130 | Sculpture I | 3 |
ARTS 141 | Painting I | 3 |
ARTS 142 | Painting II | 3 |
ARTS 150 | Computer Art I | 3 |
ARTS 151 | Graphic Design I | 3 |
ARTS 152 | Graphic Design II | 3 |
ARTS 153 | Graphic Abstraction | 3 |
ARTS 154 | Typography I | 3 |
BIOL 136 | Anatomy and Physiology I | 4 |
BIOL 136L | Anatomy and Physiology I Laboratory | 0 |
BIOL 137 | Anatomy& PhysiologyII | 4 |
BIOL 137L | Anatomy and Physiology II Laboratory | 0 |
BIOL 140 | Microbiology | 4 |
BIOL 140L | Microbiology Laboratory | 0 |
BIOL 150 | Botany | 4 |
CACC 101 | Financial Accounting | 4 |
CACC 105 | Managerial Accounting | 3 |
CACC 166 | Cost Accounting | 3 |
CBUS 104 | Introduction to Business | 3 |
CBUS 150 | Business Computer Systems | 3 |
CBUS 203 | Business Law I | 3 |
CBUS 204 | Business Law II | 3 |
CHEM 102 | General Chemistry II | 4 |
CHEM 102L | Chemistry II Lab | 0 |
CHEM 133 | Organic Chemistry I | 5 |
CHEM 134 | Organic Chemistry II | 5 |
EDUC 101 | Nature/Teaching Profession | 3 |
EDUC 211 | Educational Psychology | 3 |
EDUC 270 | Education/Exceptional Child | 3 |
ENGL 105 | Creative Writing | 3 |
ENGL 106 | Fiction Writing | 3 |
ENGL 107 | Advanced Fiction Writing | 3 |
ENGL 108 | Poetry Writing | 3 |
HIST 160 | History of Illinois | 3 |
HIST 181 | Ancient World I | 3 |
HIST 182 | Ancient World II | 3 |
HIST 190 | African-American History | 3 |
HIST 215 | History: Special Topics | 3 |
HLTH 101 | Contemporary Health | 3 |
HLTH 102 | First Aid and Personal Safety | 2 |
HLTH 130 | Nutrition | 3 |
INST 101 | Success in College | 1 |
INST 105 | Library Research Skills | 2 |
JRNM 110 | Intro to Television Productio | 3 |
JRNM 112 | Introduction to Mass Media | 3 |
MATH 110 | Introduction to Computer Science | 3 |
MATH 111 | College Algebra | 5 |
MATH 114 | Trigonometry | 3 |
MATH 118 | Mathematics for Elementary Ed I | 4 |
MATH 137 | Linear Algebra | 4 |
MATH 211 | Differential Equations | 3 |
MUSI 100 | Rudiments of Music | 3 |
MUSI 101 | Music Theory I | 3 |
MUSI 102 | Music Theory II | 3 |
MUSI 122 | History of Rock and Roll | 3 |
MUSI 123 | Intro. Computer/Electronic Mu | 3 |
MUSI 141 | Musicianship I | 2 |
MUSI 142 | Musicianship II | 2 |
MUSI 150 | Vermilion Festival Chorus | 1 |
MUSI 151 | Orchestra | 1 |
MUSI 152 | College Singers | 1 |
MUSI 153 | Pep Band | 1 |
MUSI 160 | Class Guitar | 1 |
MUSI 170 | Applied Music I | 1 |
MUSI 171 | Applied Music II | 1 |
MUSI 190 | Portfolio- Music Performance I | 1 |
MUSI 191 | Portfolio- Music Education I | 1 |
MUSI 201 | Music Theory III | 3 |
MUSI 202 | Music Theory IV | 3 |
MUSI 241 | Musicianship III | 2 |
MUSI 242 | Musicianship IV | 2 |
MUSI 270 | Applied Music III | 1 |
MUSI 271 | Applied Music IV | 1 |
PEMW 110 | Yoga I | 1 |
PEMW 111 | Pilates I | 1 |
PEMW 112 | Boot Camp I | 1 |
PEMW 113 | Weight Training | 1 |
PEMW 114 | Intermediate Weight Training | 1 |
PEMW 115 | Advanced Weight Training | 1 |
PEMW 119 | Expert Weight Training | 1 |
PEMW 135 | Fitness Center I | 1 |
PEMW 136 | Fitness Center II | 1 |
PEMW 137 | Fitness Center III | 1 |
PEMW 138 | Fitness Center IV | 1 |
PEMW 150 | Teaching Elementary Games | 2 |
PEMW 153 | Introduction to Sports Psychology | 3 |
PHYS 107 | Physics-Electricity/Magnetism | 4 |
PHYS 108 | Physics-Thermodynamics/Modern Physics | 4 |
PHYS 152 | Applied Mechanics-Statics | 3 |
PHYS 211 | Applied Mechanics-Dynamics | 3 |
POLI 170 | American Judicial Process | 3 |
POLI 250 | Internship in Government | 3 |
POLI 270 | Spec Topic: Internatl Terrori | 3 |
PSYC 120 | Introduction to Substance Abuse | 3 |
PSYC 205 | Industrial Psychology | 3 |
PSYC 230 | Abnormal Psychology | 3 |
PSYC 250 | Personality | 3 |
SOCY 200 | Marriage and the Family | 3 |
SOCY 201 | Social Problems | 3 |
SOCY 202 | Introduction to Social Work | 3 |
SOCY 205 | Juvenile Delinquency | 3 |
SOCY 230 | Service Learning | |
SPAN 100 | Spanish for Public Safety | 3 |
SPAN 101 | Elementary Spanish I | 4 |
SPAN 102 | Elementary Spanish II | 4 |
SPAN 103 | Intermediate Spanish I | 4 |
SPCH 113 | Group Discussion | 3 |
SPCH 141 | Oral Interpretation | 3 |
SPCH 145 | Acting I | 3.00 |
SPCH 146 | Acting II | 3 |
SPCH 147 | Theatre Performance Practicum | 1 |
BMGT 114 | Principles of Management | 3 |
BMGT 200 | Introduction to Sport Management | 3 |
BOFF 121 | Fundamentals of Business Documents | 3 |
BOFF 125 | Business Communication Strategies | 3 |
BOFF 140 | Medical Terminology | 3 |
BOFF 225 | Spreadsheet Applications | 3 |
BOFF 230 | Advanced Spreadsheet Applications | 3 |
BOFF 260 | Professional Development | 2 |
CRIM 100 | Intro to Criminal Justice | 3 |
CRIM 103 | Patrol Techniques | 3 |
CRIM 105 | Introduction to Corrections | 3 |
CRIM 170 | Community Based Corrections | 3 |
CRIM 180 | Probation & Parole | 3 |
CRIM 204 | Criminology | 3 |
CRIM 207 | Verbal Defense Techniques | 2 |
CSCI 100 | Intro to C++ | 3 |
CSCI 101 | Intro to Python Programming | 3 |
CSCI 103 | Intro to Java | 3 |
CSCI 150 | Database Concepts: SQL | 3 |
CSCI 200 | Advanced C++ | 3 |
CSCI 201 | Advanced Python Programming | 3 |
CSCI 203 | Advanced Java Programming | 3 |
DRAF 161 | Engineering Graphics | 3 |
DRAF 166 | Intro to Autocad | 3 |
MRKT 100 | Principles of Marketing | 4 |
MRKT 101 | Principles of Advertising | 4 |
MRKT 102 | Social Media for Business | 3 |
MRKT 108 | Retailing and Merchandising | 3 |
MRKT 200 | Digital Marketing | 3 |
MRKT 201 | Marketing Analytics | 3 |
MRKT 202 | Social Media Management | 3 |
MRKT 205 | Consumer Behavior | 3 |
MRKT 250 | Digital Promotion Strategy | 3 |
SUST 100 | Principles of Sustainability | 3 |